Usage of LorAnn oil


LorAnn oils are highly concentrated flavorings that are typically used in baking and candy making. Here are some tips for using LorAnn oil flavors:

  1. Use a small amount: LorAnn oils are very potent, so you only need to use a small amount to achieve the desired flavor. Typically, a few drops will suffice.

  2. Mix well: When using LorAnn oils in baking, be sure to mix the flavoring thoroughly into the batter or dough. This will ensure that the flavor is evenly distributed throughout your baked goods.

  3. Store properly: LorAnn oils should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. They should also be kept out of reach of children and pets.

  4. Experiment: LorAnn oils come in a wide variety of flavors, so feel free to experiment with different combinations to find your favorites. You can also mix different LorAnn oils together to create your own unique flavors.

  5. Use caution with certain flavors: Some LorAnn oils, such as cinnamon and peppermint, are very strong and should be used sparingly. Always follow the recommended usage guidelines for each flavor.

  6. Consider using candy flavoring oils: LorAnn also produces a line of candy flavoring oils that are specifically designed for use in candy making. These oils are formulated to be heat stable and are ideal for creating hard candies, chocolates, and other confections. Visit us at